The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, November 04, 2005


Posted by Seeking Solace |

It’s amazing what brunch, a trip to the chiropractor, and a long nap will do for the soul. All I need now is some retail therapy! I am so thankful that I do not teach any classes on Fridays. I don’t think I would have made it to today.

I think we often forget the importance of self care. I am one of those insanely driven people who will work until near collapse. I have been like that for as long as I can remember. It seemed to become worse doing my law school days. (Yes, in a previous life, I was a member of the evil profession!) Unfortunately, all this drive gave me was an autoimmune disease, migraines and the occasional panic attack.

I decided that I would give myself a break for a day or two. Go underground, if you will. I am just going to kick back and relax. Watch movies, listen to music, shop etc… My husband and my five year old have felt neglected this week. (FYI: my five year old is a German Shepard!) Sunday, I will be ready to face the world again.

I have been reading some of the other blogs out there. Dr. Crazy and Dean Dad really spoke to me. It seems like all of us, at one time or another; need someone to talk us down from the edge. Thanks to the two of you for your commentaries.

See you on the other side….

