The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, November 07, 2005


Posted by Seeking Solace |

The weekend was relaxing. I even got to watch some mindless TV, something I don’t normally do. TV Land was showing the sitcom “What’s Happening”. I loved that show as a kid. The Simpsons and Family Guy were absolutely hilarious! I would love to find a download of the FCC song from Family Guy! Plus, I actually cooked a meal for the first time in a week. My husband, who also cooks, has been stressed out with his job. We have been living on take out! Both of us, and our waistlines, are relieved! The Boy is also happy that he had a chance to play with his mom. The Boy is my five year old German Shepard.

So it’s back to the grind. I finally finished all of my midterm grades. They are late, but they are done. But that seems to be par for the course. My fellow faculty members look like they played four quarters of football…as the football! Thank God this semester is almost over!

My colleague and partner in crime at our college, GML, is in Jamaica this week. (Bitch!!!! No, it’s ok GML, I ‘m not mad at you, LOL) But the thought of basking on the beach with a frozen margarita sounds heavenly!

Maybe I’ll just play some Jimmy Buffett and rev up the blender!

