The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am halfway through the midterm grading process. My brain is fired.

I teach a course in Critical Thinking. Of the 10 students in my class, six failed the midterm, one received a “B” and rest did not even bother to submit it. The exam was a take home essay in which the student was to brainstorm possible solutions to a complex problem. They were asked to provide research to support their ideas. What I noticed is either they do not provide any information to back up their position, or they refuse to follow proper citation form. Some neglect to submit a Works Cited page.

What totally chaps my ass is that these concepts have been drilled into their heads. Every instructor requires proper MLA citation form. But they STILL refuse to do it! Sometime I wonder if they hear me. It’s like that episode of the Simpsons, where Bart is trying to train his dog. Everything from the dog’s perspective is “Blah, Blah, Blah.” I think my students are doing the same thing. No matter what I say, it does not register in the gray matter.

I am angry and frustrated. Does anyone else out there have this problem?

Shout out to Cynical Professor: Hope to hear from you soon.


Anonymous said...

cool blog. I could give you a students perspective but I am sure you get that enough. "Keep on keeping on" as some students appreciate the work you Professors do....


ps: I have no idea who or where you are so this isn't one of your students "suckin up" lol

Seeking Solace said...

Please feel free to comment. I do appreciate thoughts from students as well as instructors.

What...studensts actually suck up to professors? LOL.

blithering moron said...

critical thinking is hard :(

Seeking Solace said...

True, it’s not an easy subject to learn, or to teach. But in the case of my students, it was not the subject matter that gave them trouble. I think it was just plain apathy.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

tI used to teach Critical Thinking in the Philosophy Department. I found it to be hard, simply because students aren't required to have warrants for their claims -- they think their unfounded opinion is enough.

They can't write due to standardized tests -- which are way too expensive to include a human graded essay.

Great blog -- hang in there, I felt like this my first couple of years as an academic migrant worker--- if it doesn't get better, move to a state with a strong union.
