The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wait For It....

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Let me set this one up for you....

The scene: My office which I share with another instructor. The door is open and two students poke their heads in, looking a little lost.
Time: 9:25 AM

Me: Can I help you?
Student A: We are looking for Ms. Office-mate
Me: Well, I haven't seen her yet. However, she does have a class at 9:30 in Building A in room 123.
Student B: No, there was a sign on the door that said her class was cancelled.
Me: Well, I doubt that she would be here if her class was cancelled.

Blank stares from both students for about five seconds...

Student A: Oh yeah, I guess so. Thank you.

Sigh. Sadly, some people a just a dimly lit candle.

What's funny is that my office-mate and I were saying how great it would be if we had a couch in the office for naps!! But then again, one of us might sleep through class!


Anonymous said...

I keep getting students asking if I know where Prof. Soandso's office is located, or when they will be in their office, etc. The only thing is that Prof. Soandso is a part time instructor in a different department and I have no idea who they are or what they teach! The students seem surprised when I don't know the whereabouts of every faculty member on campus.

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe that happened, that's too funny. If you remember what they look like/who they were you'll have to tell me. The fact that they say the cancelation sign and still thought I might be, duh.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, wait for it...Did you actually say that? I would have!

Wayfarer Scientista said...


Psycgirl said...

That's hilarious! I bet they felt seriously dumb when they left!

Alice said...

Every semester, some of my students are surprised that I am not on-campus 8:00 to 5:00. Yet expect me to answer emails at midnight... Yeah, right!

Seeking Solace said...

Alice: Yeah. Sometimes I think students believe professor hours are like 7-11. Always open!
