The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Where To Go From Here

Posted by Seeking Solace |

In my last post, I wrote about applying for academic position at two Law Schools. I honestly think it is time for me to move on with my academic career.

I have never stayed with the same job for more than three or four years. I get to the point where I feel bored or pressed to find something new. I thrive on new experiences. I dread doing the same thing over and over again. I need that intellectual challenge.

For the last three years, I have taught a Private Two-Year College. For the most part, the experience has been good. I have refined my skills and consider myself to be a very good instructor. I enjoy the courses that I teach. And I appreciate the idea that I am acting as a positive role model for many of my students. But, at the same time, I feel I have gone as far as I can at this college. There is not much opportunity to advance or do anything different. There is no incentive to research, introduce new courses or grow as an academic.

There is also the fact that my college acts more like Grade 13 than a true college. It seems like I am spending a significant amount of time developing skills that should have been learned back in high school. Many of the students at my college can read or write at a third grade level.

I am also frustrated at the lack of support for the faculty in matters like student issues. Poor GML was cussed out by a student because GML refused to let the student take a quiz because the student was 45 minutes late (GML has a policy about no make ups for quizzes). GML did not want the student back in her class. But, the powers that be felt otherwise. Poor GML had to swallow her pride and let the student remain. So, what have we learned? Students can cuss out an instructor without any consequences. The instructor's authority means nothing.

So here I am, trying to figure out where to go from here. Husband does not know anything new about his status. I am going to send out the resumes tomorrow. Hopefully, one will work out.

In the meantime, I guess I have to keep fumbling through the chaos.


Chaser said...

good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely, seek other jobs. I would be very unhappy with a college that acts like that. I know several, and I would never last. That is what is nice about my college --- it is like a college.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

The students not acting as if they are in college is something your administration can't really control, but their response to those kinds of situations IS in their control and when (not if :) ) you get one of those other jobs you should let them know why you are leaving.

Abbey said...

Wishing you good luck on the resumes. I wouldn't be terribly happy either if my administration didn't support the profs first and foremost.

Weezy said...

Life is short-- find a place where you love. Sounds like this place was a place to grow!
