The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Who is the Bigger Pain?

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Ok, so I am posting a little late tonight, but today has been a pain…literately. The Migraine from Hell carried on into today. I actually had to leave work because I could not open my right eye. I have battled migraines for many years, the flashes of light, sensitivity to sound, nausea, etc... But the eye thing was new. All is well now, after some sleep and Imitrex, sans greesy food!

AI was no big shock. Thank God Brenna is gone. What a shameless promoter! GML and I text messaged each other during the show and she posed this question, “Did Paula appear drunk tonight?”

Care to comment?


BrightStar (B*) said...


I'm sorry about your migraine.

I would have rather have seen Kevin go over David.

Seeking Solace said...

Maybe it IS coke!

They kept Kevin because he has that geeky-cute thing. I think he is just a geek.

I thought that Sway should have stayed.

Nels P. Highberg said...

Paula made no sense whatsoever.

I'll just say I was very disturbed when I heard Kevin's age. I thought he was in his twenties, at least. Why is that a problem. See, I have this thing for geeks. But not for children!

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Sorry to hear about your migraine. I had them for a while when I was first starting to teach, probably a combination of allergies and stress. There is no way to accurately describe one to someone who has not had one.

Addy N. said...

Greetings! I can't comment on AI, since I don't watch, but wanted to post a comment.

I just came across your blog recently (I think I had searched blogs for 'migraine'). I am also in the education profession and just started getting migraines last year (I'm 35). I think teaching gives me gray hair, too! I have friends who are in 'visiting' positions (similar to adjunct) and I can understand your frustration with 'service' demands. I would think the full-time people should be able to handle that.

Keep up the entertaining blog and good luck with the migraines. You might be interested in my blogs, too (see my profile for links).

Seeking Solace said...

adenostoma: Welcome to the Waiting Room! I will stop by your blog soon!
