The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What the Hell...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I missed most of American Idol tonight. I was too busy in the bathroom suffering from gear reversal.

Notes to self:
1. Do not mix migraine meds (Imitrex) with greasy food. Bad things will happen.
2. Just because you had a long day does not justify eating greasy take out food.
3. Listen to Husband when he says that such behavior will lead to bad things.

In other news...

Why do administrators think that adjuncts are willing to do something for the school without receiving any benefit in return? The Dean of Instruction at my college has this way of getting you to do something by making you feel like crap if you say no.

In the past 24 hours:

One of my fellow adjuncts was pissed because she was required to attend a meeting which is optional for adjuncts. Since adjuncts do not get paid for attending these meetings, no adjunct would ever consider attending. But, since this particular adjunct is on campus at the time of the meeting, the Dean of Instruction is requiring her to attend, without paying her for her time!

GML and I were chatting in the hallway after our usual Wednesday workout. The DI interrupted our conversation to ask GML if she would come in one evening next week to represent GML’s department during the college’s information night. Now the night in question is GML’s night off. The school will not pay for GML’s time. The DI said “You don’t HAVE to do this, but you would be doing the school a huge service by helping out.” (translation: Be a team player or else your life will become hell on earth!)

Now it’s not that I lack school spirit or anything, but can’t the administration throw adjuncts a bone here? It’s bad enough that we get paid crap for wages. I would probably make more money working at the Body Shop and have fewer headaches (plus a great discount!)

End post...more gear reversal!


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

We have some of that around here -- I see adjuncts on committees and doing other kinds of service. It is possible that their administratin says something like, "if you were full-time, you'd do X, you are 75% of full-time, so do 75% of X". That is how they handle non-class faculty development days and such..

Adjunts up here are also lucky in that they are covered under the same contract and union as the full-time people. They CAN teach a full load, and IF they put together a full load at one school or several state CCs they also get health insurance. If they teach 4 credits, they get on the same salary scale as the full-timers as well.

Overall, BN state is the best one I've seen for adjuncts.

BrightStar (B*) said...

I hope you're feeling better.

Hearing about the mistreatment of adjuncts always makes me sad. More compensation for one's time and better treatment is deserved by all y'all.

Kiss My Mike said...

yikes, i missed it too for ice skating!

that ace young guy seems good...

Anonymous said...

As an adjunct - I remember those games. Sponsored by the f**kers who can't be bothered to insure you.

In the day , the bulk of staff was either contracted or tenured, so they HAD all that stuff covered by people who were being correctly compensated for it. However - adjuncts are becoming THE BACKBONE of departments just because they can cut overhead - but yet aren't prepared to bite the bullet and compensate to get adjuncts to ccover all the stuff the contracted/tenured staff were being paid to do.

