The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, March 27, 2006

More Tales From The Subway

Posted by Seeking Solace |

There are some days where I wish I could drive. Because of my vision problems, I cannot get a license. On Mondays and Wednesdays, LB gives me a ride home after our workout. But she was out sick today, so I had to take the subway home. Normally, this does not bother me, but there are times when it can be challenging. There are times that I avoid riding the subway, like around 3 PM when all the kids are on their way home from school. It's really crazy during that time. These kids are extremely rude, loud and obnoxious. In addition, it seems that during the day, there are many homeless and mentally ill persons hanging around the subway platform looking for spare change. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind helping a person who is down on his or her luck. But I do not like to be harassed or threatened because I have nothing to give.

So, I figured that since I was catching the subway after 4 PM, I would surrounded by the first wave of commuters and not so many kids or crazy folk.

No such luck.

Number of homeless people bugging me for money to buy food when they don’t look like they have been missing any meals: 3

Number that told me to go to Hell for not giving them any money: 1

Number of pain in the ass teenagers in the subway car, yelling so loud that turning up the volume on my IPod did not drown out the noise: 15

Number of teenage girls who looked at me like they wanted to fight: 2

Number of mentally ill people screaming obscenities at me as I purchased my ticket to ride the subway: 1

I am seriously thinking about taking up Krav Maga again.


BrightStar (B*) said...

sounds like an adventure!

But I wouldn't like to be harassed or threatened, either.

sheepish said...

I don't know what Krav Maga is, but it sounds like a way of saying "The Art of Kicking Ass" in some foreign language.

And it took me a second to figure out why luckybuzz (LB) gives you a ride home occasionally. It seems kind of out of her way. Nevermind. Ignore the special boy in the corner...

Seeking Solace said...

Sheepish: No may leave the corner now.

Krav Maga is hand to hand combat/martial arts. It is used by the Israeli army. Definitely an ass-kicking art!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a god tag line would be: cost of getting ass home in 1 piece - Priceless

UltimateWriter said...

Would taking the bus help? Maybe daylight and the seats not facing each other would help quell the rude behavior?
