The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Husband's Words of Wisdom

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Me: I need a new career. Something where I am not bombarded with questions. When I tell people I am a lawyer or teach law, I get blasted with questions. It's exhusting.

Husband: Well, what do you want to do?

Me: I don't know. Look at morticians and proctologists. Nobody ever bugs them with questions.

Husband: Well, you could be a legal proctologist. If someone bugs you with too many questions, you could shove a probe up their ass.


Anonymous said...


rented life said...

I can actually hear this conversation in my head, knowing you two! :)

AliceAcademic said...


k8 said...

As the daughter and granddaughter of morticians I can assure you that people ask all sorts of questions. As an added bonus, several teachers "suggested" I write reports/do projects about embalming, funeral, forensic entymology, etc., because "of course" I would find it interesting when I knew they just wanted me to satisfy their curiousity. Oh yes, people ask questions.

Anonymous said...

husband is hilarious, i love it!
