The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Training Day

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Today, Husband and I are in training. We are participating in our local Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Husband is going to run the 5K. I am going to walk the 5K, but I am going to be timed. We are part of a team on behalf of a freind of our who is in Stage 4 breast cancer. We are excited to be doing something that will not only be good for us, but will help so many others.

Today, we will hit the gym after a week hiatus because of the house stuff. I found a few training guides to help get us ready for race day. It will required us to step up our routine a little, but I think we are ready for the challenge.

Also, we are watching our portions, especially Husband! We are trying to cut back on the "bad" carbs, like processed foods. There is no way I will EVER give up on bread and pasta...I will just make better choices.

So that's the plan. Here we go!


k8 said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with pasta or bread - it's primarily a matter of how much of it you eat. That, and paying attention to what's actually in those products. I've become so accustomed to making my own bread, that the smell of the bread aisle at the grocery store actually nauseates me, as do some supermarket bakery sections. I suspect it's all of the preservatives and other unidentifiables.

It's great that your both doing the walk/run! Too bad they don't have a section for The Boy! Dog Walking For The Cure would be a hit!!
