The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

They Found Me

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I got called for jury duty. Again.

I was called back in October. I asked for a postponement, because I knew I would have a tough time getting someone to cover my classes. I figured that I would file for the postponement and be long gone before i got called.

No such luck.

It used to be the rule that attorneys were exempt from jury duty. That rule changed a few years ago. Now attorneys are fair game, just like everyone else.

I don't agree with the rule. Attorneys have no business being on a jury.

I know what you are thinking. But Seeking, attorneys understand the law and can be helpful in explaining the law to their fellow jurors. They can be impartial.

Wrong on all assertions, and I will tell you why.

First, attorneys do not think the same way as the rest of the world. Back during our first year of law school, we were beaten down, mentally abused and came out thinking like a lawyer. We analyze everything to death. We love being the devil's advocate. We can turn a jury upside-down and backwards if we so desire.

As far as being helpful to a jury, that goes against everything that the jury system is supposed to be. It is not the poor attorney who was not suave enough to get out of jury duty to educate his or her fellow jurors on the law. Juries are only allowed the facts and the evidence when they deliberate. Having an attorney in the room gives an advantage that may not exist for other juries.

So, I will go and do everything I can to get kicked off. I have a pretty good shot, seeing as most of my friends are lawyers, I know a lot of lawyers, I am still a licensed attorney and I teach law.

I might even pull a Homer Simpson and say that I am prejudice against all races.

Worse case, I will follow Russian Violet's advice at take a copy of the Communist Manifesto.


Psych Post Doc said...

Good luck getting out of it.

Mad Hatter said...

"I might even pull a Homer Simpson and say that I am prejudice against all races."That doesn't actually work, does it??? :-) I'd imagine that the lawyers handling the case wouldn't want another lawyer on the jury, for the reasons you mention. So perhaps you won't be selected!

M said...

It's prejudiced. with a d on the end when you use it that way.

I hope it works out OK, too.
