~It seems that this incident turned out to be a delivery person falling on the ice. I hope he is OK.
~ After a nice lunch with Husband at our favorite Indian place, I went to the mall near my house. There are some crazy sales right now. I bought Land's End gloves and earmuffs at Sears. I also brought a cute Nine West handbag at Macy's.
~I bought the Nine West bag so that I could store my leather Prada. The Prada (yes, a real Prada), is my professional dress handbag. I've had it for four years and it is in great condition because I only use it for work in the winter and store it in the bag in the off season. Since I am not working, I don't want to dirty it up!
~I got a check in the mail from my in laws for my birthday, which is Sunday. I have my heart set on getting this coat. But after watching Suze yesterday, she scared me into putting it in the bank! I have some cash stashed away in my "shopping slush fund", but I still need a little more for the coat. Hopefully, I will have enough before they run out of my size and color.
~I am dealing with a minor flare today. It was very slow going. It's getting a little better.
~The Boy was exhausted last night after coming home from daycare. He conducted his own all nasal orchestra last night! He is still recovering from a day of fun and frolic!
Have a great weekend everyone!
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- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.
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I have that coat in white, and I love it! I bought it this fall after having one of their vests of the same line for two years and liking it so much. It's versatile because I feel comfortable wearing it dressed up and down, and I like that the bottom button is rather high up, so when you sit in the car, the coat doesn't bunch up around your mid-section or anything.
Dang it, now I want that coat too...
Did you see it is on sale for 69.99?
Hope you're feeling better already!
M: Thanks for the endorsement!!!
ITPF: Sharp, no?
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