Email from student:
I am not sure how to cite this particular source. Since the research paper is not due until noon, I will ask you during class. Your research paper is due within 15 minutes of the class start time which is WAY before noon. Your final exam is due at Monday. I guess you did not read the assignment when I gave it to you, or when I emailed it again to you...two days ago.
*Post title for the benefit of Husband.
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- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.
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Lovely. The future of America.
Rf friend's friend: Scary, no?
Stupidity. It's everywhere. We need to find a vaccine and fast.
Desertdemocrat: Sadly, you ca't fix stupid.
I agree with all that's beeen said, but I would be careful about publishing student emails without their permission.
"Here's your sign" a reference to Bill Engvall?
JOanna: All emails have been slightly changed to protect the studpid.
Mad Hattter: Yep.
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