The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Urge to Kill Rising...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Two more cases of plagiarism. One student did the usual cut and paste job. The other cut and paste sections from a website but cited it as a different website.

Plus, my Divorce Form Hell will continue into next year. Opposing counsel did not provide me with the information I need by the 4 PM deadline. So, I will have that hanging over my head.

LB just told me the FW is pissed because I busted him for plagiarism. He says he is going to bring an English teacher with him when he meets with the Dean to prove that I have no clue what I am doing.


Anonymous said...

Ha. Like he's going to find an English teacher willing to take the time out this time of year to go "check" on one of his other teachers.


Chaser said...

Where is the *shame* these students should feel?????? WHERE??? Rrrrrrr.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Absolutely amazing -- the nerve of that kid is impressive -- so sad that it is all going toward evil ends.

Prisca said...


I'm more concerned for you for the divorce that just won't go away. Good gracious! Who IS that opposing counsel? Someone reputable? Frightening.
