The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Posted by Seeking Solace |

Thanks everyone for your concern regarding my water-logged basement. Luckily, there was no serious damage. We were able to get the important stuff out of harm's way, like the golf clubs and the Boy's food container! Poor Husband spent the time outside in the rain, trying to divert the water flow in the right direction towards the street. Meanwhile, I was sweeping the water the came into the basement towards the sump pump.

This is just another slap of crazy weather we have experienced lately.

Hey GML, what's next....locusts???


Prisca said...

I'm thinking drought might be the next plague. You've had way too much water this year.

No ice yet, though?

Are the drains and sewers backed up in town, too? It's not even March yet!
