The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Posted by Seeking Solace |

In case you didn't know, turning in assignments when they are due is bullshit.

While chatting with Professor B, Student stops by. Student is in my Law and Ethics class. I mention to Student that he did not submit a research paper for my class either. Here is that conversation.

Student: Yes, I did turn it in.
Me: No, I don't have anything from you.
Student: Yes you do. I turned it in two weeks ago.
Me: I am positive that I do not have anything from you. But let me check my file. (Sure enough, I don't have anything).
Student: Wait, here it is, you gave it back to me. (Student shows me a paper)
Me: This is your rough draft. You did not submit the final paper.
Student: You mean I have to submit a paper too? That's bullshit. When was that due?
Me: Last Thursday. You were absent that day.
Student: Well, can I turn it in now?
Me: No, the deadline is passed and I do not give extension for something like this.
Student: This is totally bullshit. You did not tell me it was due.
Me: Uh yeah, the due date is on the assignment and on your tracking calendar.
Student: Man, this is bullshit.

I had a professor in who once said "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them in bullshit." Appropriate, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Shame on you Seeking Solace! Assigning a paper, and actually expecting students to turn it in ! Imagine that! Next, you'll be asking them to actually show up to take exams!


Yeah, sometimes you wonder what planet these kids come from. I had one student who as their term paper turned in a stack of photocopies out of an encyclopedia. How did they ever get into college???

Abbey said...

astroprof is right, it's unreasonable to expect students to turn in papers. I find it interesting that the student had a final copy ready to turn in late though.I suspect someone knew they missed the deadline.

Anonymous said...

He said bullshit to you?!?! That's terrible! That's so rude!

Anonymous said...

At what point do these people think the gravy train ends? How many times must these people have gotten away with similar behavior pre-college to think they can do it in college?

Again - I keep thinking "Would you tell a BOSS that?" and sigh and think "perhaps they might..."

Jesse said...

That makes me laugh a little bit.

Maybe that kid should increases it's cursing vacbulary to include other, colorful, expletives.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

Wow -- I really can't imagine having such disrespect for a teacher or such a casual relationship with due dates. Did he really think his draft was sufficient for all the points? What a moron.

Alice said...

Aaaaaah, students...

PG said...

Yeah...sounds like the students deserves an "F". Students are catered to way too much these days.

astroprof - photocopied paged? That's hilarious.
