The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I called in sick today.

First, I have killer cramps (Something that I don't normally have). Second, I am in a really bitchy mood (That is on par for this time of the year). And third, I just did not want to deal with my students.

Ok, I am NOT going into detail about the first reason. I think you all get the picture.

But the second and third reasons go hand and hand. My classes are WAY behind on their work. I do my best to keep everything moving according to my tracking calendar. But, I am not a slave to it either. I would never stifle a good discussion or lack of understanding just for the sake of moving on to the next topic. But this semester, my students are LAZY. My 8:30 Survey of Law students waltz in at 9:00 with no apologies. My Law and Ethics students don't show up at all. And if you ask them about it, you get a lot of grief.

One of my Survey students asked me why she should write a paper when I, her instructor, already know about the case.

Another tells me that he can't find ANY information about his case, except for some stuff on the Internet. I asked him if he checked the library database system or looked at books, journals and the like. His response was "That's too much work."

And then, there are those students whom you give every opportunity to receive help. And they don't take you up on your offer. They are the ones who cry and complain because they are not passing the course and they want YOU to help them. And YOU are being unfair to them. And there are administrators who want to know what it will take to help this poor little soul pass!


It's enough to put anyone in a bitchy mood, don't you think? Sure, I will probably be even more behind now than I was before, but right now, I just can't seem to deal with it right now. Right now, I want to curl up on my couch with the Boy.


Anonymous said...

Hah! It is humorous to read those student comments, but I am sure it is totally different to get them! Why write a paper when you already know the cast? Was the kid serious? Wow. Why should my students do homework since I already know all the answers? Why should students in gym work out if their coach is already physically fit? Hah! That's a good one.

As for the other, I get those all the time. "I can't find anything on this topic!" That confuses me because I had made sure that the library had ordered two books on the subject. Did the student go to the library? No. Then, I have had students try to write term papers with Wikipedia as their only source. Sometimes, it gets a bit much. I hear where you are coming from!

BrightStar (B*) said...

for me, the cramps just make all that stuff even worse. feel better soon!

sheepish said...

It's truly impressive just how ignorant and disrespectful your students are. Truly impressive.

Addy N. said...

Man- I think the cramps are going around! Me, too! arghh! At least they have subsided today (I almost never get them either- I wonder if hot weather can cause them...) Sorry your students are such a pain!

Rebecca said...

I'd document all that crap, so you can refer to it at the end of semester if anyone gives you grief. Nothing like seeing their idiocy in black and white to make a point.

And maybe you should make a point from now on of putting on their syllabi: "All projects, homework and exams are for the purpose of teaching you the subject matter and finding out how much you know. Just because I already know the subject matter doesn't mean that you don't need to learn it. I will not be helping you with any of your cases once you are no longer my student."

After you feel better, that is. Hope it's soon.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

You deserve a sick day.... they'd make me sick as well :).

I've had classes like this, they don't want to do the work and just don't do it. It did help a little when I put a hard deadline on their homework and told them that they'd get a 0 if they didn't do it... I also reminded them that I already know the topic so well that they've given me a few degrees and the only way they'd be able to prove that they deserved credit in the course was to do the homework.

Sometimes a little ass-kicking can turn a class around -- just make it clear that other classes have met the same deadlines you set for them and that there isn't much excuse for failing the class other than being lazy.

Good luck with the little buggars. I think documenting who said what is a good idea, as it sounds like you'll have a few Ds and Fs that may be the subject of protest.
