The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, April 21, 2006

So Much To Do!

Posted by Seeking Solace |

Now that the craziness of the semester is over, I am dealing with the craziness of packing for the trip.

When Husband and I booked this trip, we purposely decided to leave on Sunday, so that we would have Friday and Saturday to pack and do miscellaneous things. Well, there is a ton of stuff to do!!!

1. Laundry. This included summer clothes that I put away in storage.
2. I have a manicure and a pedicure scheduled for today. You can’t go to the beach with your feet looking scaly and gross!
3. Pick up supplies at Target
4. Drop off the Boy at his doggie hotel tomorrow morning.
5. Pack. Duh!!
6. Clean the house. I am one of those people who cannot go on vacation unless my house is clean.
7. Stop at the mall and return shirt to Ann Taylor Loft, pick up items at the Body Shop and try to avoid any more shopping.
8. Make sure passports, E-tickets and travel info is in order and get traveler’s checks. Although, we are staying at an all inclusive, it is nice to have some money on hand.
9. Fill any prescription meds.
10. Let neighbor know we are going away. We often check on each other’s houses when the other travels. Thank God, I have a mail slot in my front door which allows the mail to go directly into the house. It's great because I do not have to have the mail held.

Whew! I hope I am not forgetting anything!


sheepish said...

#1 - They probably have clothes in Aruba, so you it doesn't matter if you forget lots. Besides, Hawai'ian print shirts!!
#2 - Hot sand should exfoliate your feet nicely.
#6 - Amen. I do this too.

#11 - Get SUPER excited!

Weezy said...

You forgot to make the list of gifts for all your blogfriends!

Have a wonderful time!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna come! Wahhhhhhh!

OK, on a more mature note, I hope you have an awesome time. Check out the Butterfly Farm--so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Am hoping you get to unwind and have lots of fun!

sunnyacre said...

I, too, can't go on a vacation without leaving a clean house! I'm glad someone else out there feels the same way, because Husband thinks I'm crazy!! Have fun, can't wait to hear all about it!

Addy N. said...

ss: Have a great trip! I have been out of the blogosphere all week (visiting my mom), so I wanted to wish you safiri salama (safe travels in Swahili). I'm home tomorrow myself. I can't wait to hear about your trip!

Take care
