The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Posted by Seeking Solace |

Being in a funk must be contagious. Russian Violets and Sheepish have shared their journeys into funk-dom. Now yours truly has landed in the land of sadness and gloom. I am feeling a little lost right now. I have some decisions to make and I am not sure how to handle them. I will explain later, as I am going to take a nap and try to regroup.


BrightStar (B*) said...

personally, I think it's time to blame it all on seasonal affective disorder.... I'm funkilicious most of the time lately, too.

Feel free to share more, if you want. We'll listen.

Pink Cupcake said...

Sorry you're in a funk too. The mood seems to have made its way across the Atlantic to me too, so you've got plenty of company. ;)

And, as B* says, if you want to share more, we're always here to listen.

Take care and hugs...

Anonymous said...

Hope you're ok. Want to agree with B*, I noticed a few weeks ago that loads of people were feeling fed up. xx

Anonymous said...

Me, too.
Of course, this is a very depressing month for me that we are going into. The holidays weren't any bundle of joy either, at least until I took my vacation afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Hope it gets better soon. I'm actually doing not bad. Not super super sunshiney but not so bad...

Anonymous said...

I totally believe in SAD. It's really gray here today, and I just couldn't get out of bed and get moving. I actually thought about taking a sick day, even though it's the second week of classes!

No matter what Eliot says, April is not the cruelest month. It's February.

*statgirl* said...

I think there was even something in the news last week about a "most depressing day" according to someone's research.

Hang in there....

sheepish said...

B* might say SAD, but personally, I think it's time to blame it all on Russian Violets and myself. We're funkified, and we're contagious. Sorry to hear you have a dose of it too. Talk about it if you like here, or don't feel pressured to blog (as I chose) for a while. Also, might I suggest buying a torch, setting some things on fire, and eating a lot of sugar? That seems to be helping for me.

BrightStar (B*) said...

American Idol! The big woman smacking her own butt singing Sir Mix A Lot! Gotta love that!

Seeking Solace said...

Thanks everyone! You guys are the best!

Statgirl: I heard that story too. I think it was January 21st was considered the Saddest Day of the Year.

Sheepish: I was thinking about hitting some golf balls and imagining that each ball was a student, colleague or problem!
