I’ve been swimming in a sea of anarchy.
I’ve been living on coffee and nicotine.
Everyday is a Winding Road, by Sheryl Crow
From the CD Sheryl Crow, A & M (1996).
OK, maybe not nicotine, since I don’t smoke. Maybe other caffeine would be more appropriate.
Why do administrators pile on addition work at the end of the semester when they KNOW that faculty is at the end of their rope? I made the big mistake of opening my big mouth and complaining that the research requirement for Sociology was a big waste of time. The research project calls for the students to develop a plan in which they define their strengths and weakness. They are to indicate how they will change their weakness or maintain their strengths. They must back it up with research. How in the hell can one back that up with research? Read Dr. Phil?? So, the head of the Gen Ed department has asked me to come up with a new research assignment for next semester that would better suit the course outcomes. They want to implement the changes next semester, which begins in January.
Sweet merciful crap, why did I fucking open my mouth? I am not even teaching this course next semester! What the hell was I thinking? Like I have enough to do with grading, Christmas shopping and preparing to go to Redneckville USA to visit the clan. I am hefted up on coffee, taking Ambien to help me sleep (The Ambien story will be explained later) and living on take out. I have not worked out in two weeks. It’s 5 degrees outside and my joints hurt. Blah, Blah, Blah.
The morale of the story is: be careful of what you bitch about!
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- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.
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Administrators don't live in reality. Last year, we were expected to provide end-of-semester reports, complete with passing rates, the week before finals. Yeah.
And, I, too, have not learned to keep my fat mouth shut. I will suggest that something could be done better, and of course I am put in charge of doing it. Worse, they put me on a committee to do it, and I end up doing everyone else's work.
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