So I decided to take a little break from grading. I lifted this from Angry Pregnant Lawyer.
Seven things to do before I die:
1. Write a song and have it performed by me
2. Write a book
3. Travel to Eurpoe with Husband
4. Own 160 acres of land with a house, pond, forest and room for dogs and horses
5. Make peace with my family
6. Take voice and piano lessons
7. Drive arcoss the country with Husband
Seven things I can (or will) not do:
1. Smoke
2. Be afraid to speak up when I think someone is being abused or harmed
3. Forget where I came from.
4. Wear fur
5. Listen to gansta rap
6. Take anyone or anything for granted
7. Give up caffinee
Seven things that attract me to my spouse:
1. His kind heart
2. His integrety
3. His smile
4. His sense of humor
5. His ability to love me when I don’t love me
6. His intelect
7. His faith
Seven things I say most often:
1. Sit (to the Boy)
2. Leave it (to the Boy)
3. WTF or What the fuck?
4. You have got to be fucking kidding me.
5. What the hell….
6. No (to my students and the Boy)
7. I love you (to Husband)
Seven books (or series) I love (these aren't necessarily my top 7, but they are 7 I love):
1. The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
2. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Haper Lee
3. Alng Came a Spider or anything by James Patterson
4. Bones Would Rain from the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships with Dogs, by Suzanne Clothier
5 The 100 Peiple who are Screwing Up Americal, and Al Frankin is #37, by Bernard Goldberg
6. The Color of Water, by James McBride
7. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou
Seven movies I watch over and over again (I am a movie freak and could watch a billion movies over and over again, so here are just the first 7 I thought of):
1. Any of the old James Bond moives with Sean Conery
2. The Breakfast Club
3. The Color Purple
4. The Godfather I and II
5. Forest Gump
6. Sixteen Candles
7. The Blues Brothers
And my addition:
Seven Cds that you could listen to over and over again without skipping any tracks.
1. Fumbling Toward Ecstasy, by Sarah McLachlin
2. Blue, by Joni Mitchell
3. The Rising, by Bruce Springsteen
4. Who’s Next, by the Who
5. Adam’s Rib, by Melanie Doane
6. Under the Table and Dreaming, DMB
7. Greatest Hits, Sheryl Crow and The Josuha Tree, by U2 (I know that makes eight, but I could not choose between them!)
Thanks for the list APL. What say the rest of you?????
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- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.
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The Josuha Tree is one of my favorites too.
Hmm, some things in my to do list before I die.
- win the lottery
- buy lottery tickets
- write a book (we both have this in our list...)
- try sky diving
- take gym seriously
- travel to wherever commercial planes go
- do something meaningful
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