I stopped by to visit GML’s class after my law class ended. She is teaching Sociology for the first time, so I have tried to help her fumble through the chaos. It is not an easy class to teach because of the high number of first term students. When I got to her classroom, I could see smoke coming out of her ears. Her face was flushed red.
So I asked the obvious. “What’s wrong?”
GML responded “These little f%$@ers are so damn disrespectful!!!"
Now, I know it’s bad, because GML does not normally drop the F bomb like that. (Unlike yours truly who cusses up a storm, including F bombs) GML began to tell me how one of her students, sitting in the back of the classroom with her head on the desk for about half of the lecture, stands up and walks out of the class. As she passes GML on her way out, this lovely young lady says. “This class is so f@$%king boring.” Before GML could say anything, the student slammed the door and took off like she was being chased by the police.
There seems to be a lack of home training among many of the students at my college. By home training, I mean manners. And I do not think it is limited to just my school. We have become very indecorous and ill mannered society. Everywhere you look, people are rude and nasty toward each other. Some of the news footage from Black Friday is a great example.
So how we change a society that is increasingly disrespectful? I haven’t a clue. If I did, I would sell it and retire to Tahiti. But, I guess you have to pick your battles. So for GML, her solution is that she will have the last word. After all, GML controls the red pen.
Now that’s power!
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- Seeking Solace
- I am a college professor who is fumbling through the chaos of academia, rheumatoid arthritis, working on my PhD and just being a 40 something woman. I used to be a lawyer, which made me a snarky little person. I have a wonderful Husband and a German Shepherd named Junior. They help keep me sane.
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Wow. What a tale. I've had students get up and walk out to use the phone, go to the bathroom, etc, without a care in the world, but nothing like that. Fortunately, around here I think that we could do something about that. I could report the student to the dean as a disruptive influence in the classroom. We actually have a procedure (seldom used, but it /has/ been used a few times since I've been here) to administratively remove such students from the roll at the professor's request to the dean. This is one of the places where the administration will (to a degree) stick behind the faculty. I've been places where there'd be no hope at all.
That sounds like something that happens in high school classes. I think the main problem is students who don't want to be there.
People are amazed when I tell them that this is an actual college.
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