The Waiting Room

This could take a while...

Friday, February 01, 2008

Shit Happens

Posted by Seeking Solace |

I am so glad this week is over. It has not been the greatest for me. Too much outside stuff has interfered with what I should be doing. Yesterday was the third in my axis of crappiness. I had a migraine that resulting in my going home early. I am trying to get organized and figure out what needs to be done, what can wait and what can go take a flying leap.

I am one of those people who lives for structure and organization. Problem is, that when something gets in the way, I have trouble adjusting my life. I become frustrated and I don't know how to balance everything. I often feel like I am spinning out of control. I overcompensate for that one thing that got in the way, which usually means that everything else gets put aside. The funny thing is that is usually something that is short lived. But for some reason, it seems like it's the biggest catastrophe in the history of my universe.

One of my goals for this year and for turning 40 is trying to just take a deep breath and let things ride. Shit does happen. I just have to decide if I want to deal with the shit.


Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

I'm working on the same thing this year... My mantra is turning out to be 'some things WILL go undone, it is up to me to decide which ones'...

I'm sorry to hear about all of your physical pains -- but, I'm happy to see that The Boy and your sweet hubby are taking good care of you.

I'm planning to spend the weekend drinking coffee from my "Life is Good" mugs, while revising a paper...

take care

Prisca said...

I really relate to your feelings. Let me know if you figure out how to avoid 'putting out fires' that ruin your organization. I never seem to be able to prioritize correctly. My dissertation comes last when it should come first. Blah!

How's the weather? I've been worrying about you. The cold and wind must be AWFUL for your health.

Seeking Solace said...

Philsophy Factory: Enjoy!!!

Prisca: It has not been too bad. More crappy than anything else.

Anonymous said...

I am working on much the same thing! I posted on my blog that the new me was coming. LoL

It's more like a new attitude. Live and let live. :-)

Let go of what I can and do something about what I can. Sometimes figuring that out is the real mystery, you know?

Anonymous said...

Yep, shit does happen and a lot of times it's inconvenient. That's a great goal for tuening forty. I think you can achieve it, and when you do those migranes will go away POOF!


Lisa said...

I am in total agreement--I have to stop letting shit, especially other people's get to me. You are right, take a deep breath.

Alice said...

Absolutely! Remember -- Akuna Matata! :)
